Contract changes in any form are huge changes to your job, and therefore we recommend that you gain as much knowledge into the law around contract changes as possible. To find out more information click the button.
If contract changes are taking place within your work place then please get in contact with us through the office or one of our reps.
Disputes and Grievances
Disputes can cover anything from industiral action to whistleblowing. We encourage everyone to learn the the best way to deal with different disputes within the workplace. If you are under diciplinary or want to sumbit a formal greivance against the trust then get in contact with us.
Health & Safety
We have our very own health and safety reps within unison but also across staffside. If you have any health and safety issues please inform us so we can look into it straight away. There are many different types of health and safety risks within the workplace, Stress being a major one. We feel its important that all employees shoud know the basics of health and safety so encourage everyone to gain an understanding.
Information And Privacy
There are srict rules inplace around information and private data protection. It can be complex to follow these rules at times, and you can land yourself in alot of legal trouble if these rules are brocken. It is worth your time reserching information around infromation and privacy to make sure that you comply with these laws.
Over the years unions have stood together to make sure that employer give there employees fair leave that allows them to have a healthy life away from the wroking enviroment, now its down to us to make sure that we all take the correct amount of leave given to us. To learn more about these entitalments click the button below.